Letting Go


“Jesus began to reproach the towns where most of his mighty deeds had been done, since they had not repented. . .” Matthew 11:20-24

“Emotional exhaustion follows fast on the footsteps of physical and mental depletion. I feel my lifeblood draining away in an oily spigot of inner turmoil. Questions abound and personal survival hinges upon sorting through possible solutions and selecting the most fitting answers. Is my pain real or simply an illusion of a frustrated ego? What do I believe in? What is my purpose? I aspire to discover a means to live in congruence with the trinity of the mind, body, and spirit. Can I discover a noble path that frees me from the shallowness of decadent physical and emotional desires? Can I surrender any desire to seek fame and fortune? Can I terminate a craving to punish other persons for their perceived wrongs? Can I recognize that forgiving persons whom offended me is a self-initiated, transformative act? Can I conquer an irrational fear of the future? Can I accept the inevitable chaos that accompanies life? Can I find a means to achieve inner harmony by steadfastly resolving to live in the moment free of angst? Can I purge egotisms that mar an equitable perception of life by renunciation of the self and all worldly endeavors? Can I live a harmonious existence devoid the panache of vanities?”
― Kilroy J. Oldster,
Dead Toad Scrolls


    It sounds like Jesus was on the edge of burn out in the our lectionary reading for today. He had spent three years preaching, teaching, and healing, and to what end?

    As Jesus reflected on the past where God had sent all of the prophets to call people back to wholeness,  there was one result, failure. Jesus was experiencing  emotional burnout.

    And then as Jesus moved into the remainder of his ministry, and finally entered into his passion  he had to let go, simply let go, be present, listen, and let God be in control.

    In our very midst people are suffering immensely, they are scared to death. We can fight by ignoring the situation, or being angry, resentful, or   simply letting go and  embrace our present situation, and take care of one another, whether we are six feet a part, or simply on the phone.

    The Supreme Court has just open the way for federal executions, people are afraid and suffering on our streets, our hospitals, and in our homes.

    My choice, and believe me, I am working at it and failing every day is to take Oldster’s comments into my heart, and to remember the story of the two knights who every morning arise from sleep eat an excellent breakfast, and then go into battle together. When one loses they shake each other’s hands, eat dinner, and say, “We will fight again tomorrow brother, may the best man find victory, and sit down around a campfire, and enjoy each other’s company.”

    Let us put aside our hatreds, prejudices and biases, and see one another as brothers and sisters, and each day fight our fights, but shake hands, and go to bed in peace. Deo Gratias! Thanks be to God!


Fr. River Damien Sims, sfw, D.Min., D.S.T.

P.O. Box 642656

San Francisco, CA 94164


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