Summer Peniel


Post Office Box 642656

San Francisco, CA 94164


Fr. River Sims, D.Min., D.S.T.



Summertime: A Time of Creation and Rest!


in the new light

of each day’s questions.

I am never prepared

Today, again, I have nothing

to offer but a handful

of old prayers, worn down

by the relentless abasion

of doubt and a fragment

of dream, that plays on in my head

only half-remembered. Still,

the doves coo and circle

through the pines

as they do when I pass

each morning. Their

sorrow is so nearly  human, it rings

sweet with regret. By dusk,

the trees will bow down, and I too, will

make my appeal will

find again your mercy,

your solace.

(Elizabeth Drescher)

(How will we embrace Wisdom’s life and love these days?


After Pentecost, we enter a season with no common focus called “Ordinary Time!” These weeks hold both the slower pace and peaceful quality of summer months and the quicker pace and flurry of activity in early fall.

These are the “ordinary” days in which we live out our daily lives.

It is time we settle into the growing season, nourishing the seeds planted in the Spring and putting down roots in our lives.

This is my 30th season of “Ordinary Time” in San Francisco and  the words of Drescher I hear loud and clear in the dusk of my ministry::

By dusk,

the trees will bow down, and I too, will

make my appeal will

find again your mercy,

your solace.

What I have learned in these 30 years is that like the Apostle Peter, I am simply weak, and a sinner dependent on the mercy of God every day.

Pope Francis sums up the core of  ministry, and of our daily lives in these words:

“What a good teacher our Lord is! The prophetic gesture of Jesus points to the prophetic Church that, washed of her sin, is unafraid to go out to serve a wounded humanity. Peter experienced in his flesh the wound of sin, but also of his own limitations and weaknesses. Yet he learned from Jesus that his wounds could be a path of resurrection. To know both Peter disheartened

and Peter transfigured is an invitation to pass from being a Church of the unhappy and disheartened that serves all those people who are unhappy and disheartened in our midst. A Church capable of serving her Lord in those who are hungry, imprisoned, thirsting, homeless, naked and informed. .(Mt. 25:35. A service that has nothing to do with a welfare ministry or an attitude of paternalism but rather with the CONVERSION OF THE HEARTS. The problem is not feeding the poor or clothing the naked or visiting the sick, but rather RECOGNIZING THAT THE POOR, THE NAKED, PRISONERS AND THE HOMELESS HAVE THE DIGNITY TO SIT AT OUR TABLE, TO FEEL “AT HOME” AMONG US, TO FEEL PART OF A FAMILY. This is the sign that the Kingdom of Heaven is in our midst. This is the sign of a Church wounded by sin, shown mercy by the Lord, and made prophetic by his call.”

The greatest gift God has given me in these years is to lean on the mercy of God. All around us, the “throw-away” culture has no mercy; all values are relative to the logic of technology. It is easy for us to trust in power and law, rather than in the power of God’s mercy.

In all these years, God’s mercy has been sustaining, leading me through life’s difficulties.

I invite each of you to stand in the shoes of mercy and show mercy to others, knowing that you experience mercy in the hands of God. I “try” to invite everyone to have mercy knowing that by:

By dusk,

the trees will bow down, and I too, will

make my appeal, will

find again your mercy,

your solace!

30th Anniversary Celebration

Victor’s Pizza

6 p.m.

November, 2024



P.O. Box 642656


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Temenos Catholic Worker

P.O. Box 642656

San Francisco, CA 94164

Fr. River Sims, D.Min, D.S.T.

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